Math 105A Homework 4
Please complete the following from the textbook:
Prove the infinum version of theorem 36:
For a set $A$ that is bounded above, a number $\alpha$ equals $\sup A$ if and only if $\alpha$ is an upper bound of $A$, and for all $\varepsilon > 0$, there exists $x \in A$ such that $x > \alpha - \varepsilon$
Prove the infinum version of theorem 37:
Assume that $A$ is a set in the reals that is bounded above, let $\alpha = \sup A$ and assume that $\alpha \notin A$. Then for any $\varepsilon > 0$ there is an infinite number of elements of $A$ contained within the interval $(\alpha - \varepsilon, \alpha)$
Prove that $c < 0$ case of Theorem 38:
For $A$ a bounded set of the reals, we have that
\[\sup(cA) = c \sup A,\quad \inf(cA) = c\inf(A)\]for a real constant $c > 0$, and
\[\sup(cA) = c\inf(A),\quad \inf(cA) = c \sup A\]for a real constant $c < 0$
Prove that a bounded monotonically decreasing sequence converges.
Let $A$ be a non-empty subset of $\mathbb R$ that is bounded above, then there exists a sequence ${x_n}$ with $x_n \in A$ for all $n \in \mathbb N$ with ${x_n} \rightarrow \sup A$
Define a sequence ${a_n}$ by $a_1 = \sqrt2$ and $a_{n+1} = \sqrt{2 + a_n}$
- Show that $a_n \leq 2$ for every $n$
- Show that ${a_n}$ is an increasing sequence. And then explain why ${a_n}$ converges.
- Show that $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} a_n = 2$
Let $k > 1$ be a constant, and define a sequence ${a_n}$ by $a_1 = 1$ and
\[a_{n+1} = \frac{k(1+a_n)}{k + a_n}\]- Show that ${a_n}$ converges. (Either show the sequence is Cauchy or satisfies the conditions in the monotone convergence theorem)
- Find $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}a_n$
From Rudin: fix $\alpha > 1$ and take $x_1 > \sqrt{\alpha}$ and define $x_{n+1} = \frac{\alpha + x_n}{1 + x_n}$
- Prove that $x_1 > x_3 > x_5 > \dots$
- Prove that $x_2 < x_4 < x_6 < \dots$
- Find what ${x_n}$ converges to and prove your claim
For $x_1 > 0$ and $\alpha > 0$ define the sequence ${x_n}$ recursively by
\[x_{n+1} = \frac{p-1}{p}x_n + \frac{\alpha}{px_n^{p-1}}\]where $p$ is a fixed positive integer. Prove what ${x_n}$ converges to.
Hint: Monotone Convergence theorem and the arithmetic mean vs geometric mean inequality will help here
Additional Question
By quoting 3 things, explain how the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem implies the Cauchy Completeness of $\mathbb R$. (i.e. Bolzano-Weierstrass is another equivalent form of completeness when the AP is present)